#!/bin/bash mkdir meta for LINK in `cat ~/mt-skiny2.txt`; do wget http://novask.in/$LINK.png TITLE=`curl -L http://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/$LINK/ 2>/dev/null | grep \|sed "s/\\([^<]*\) - NovaSkin gallery - Minecraft Skins.*/\1/"` if [ "$TITLE" != " <>" ]; then JMENO=`echo $TITLE | sed "s/ <>//"` # first, strip underscores CLEAN=${JMENO//_/} # next, replace spaces with underscores CLEAN=${CLEAN// /_} # now, clean out anything that's not alphanumeric or an underscore CLEAN=${CLEAN//[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/} # finally, lowercase with TR CLEAN=`echo -n $CLEAN | tr A-Z a-z` echo "name = \"$CLEAN\"," > meta/$LINK.txt echo "author = \"http://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/$LINK/\"," >> meta/$LINK.txt echo "description = \"\"," >> meta/$LINK.txt echo "comment = \"\"," >> meta/$LINK.txt echo "" >> meta/$LINK.txt else echo "name = \"J. Doe\"," > meta/$LINK.txt echo "author = \"http://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/$LINK/\"," >> meta/$LINK.txt echo "description = \"\"," >> meta/$LINK.txt echo "comment = \"\"," >> meta/$LINK.txt echo "" >> meta/$LINK.txt fi done