Me: "Umm, a mosque." Any idiot with half of a brain knows that a church and a mosque represent two entirely different religions, but I don't think she cares. I can probably get away with saying anything. I then look over her shoulder, and the guy she's with looks all pissed off, keeps tugging at her arm... Girl: "I'm going to go inside." And she just stares, waiting for a response... Girl: "I'm going inside." What? Do you want me to follow? The guy she's with then grabs her and pulls her away. Jealouuuuus guuuuuuuys. Like R.Kelly said, "If your game ain't tight, then don't bring your girl to the club....cause shit, your girl just might get taken.". Another girl... Girl: "Baby, look at you, you're tall and beautiful. If a girl gives you her phone number, then she wants you to call her the very next day." I just kind of smile, blush, and walk away. Get out of here. Some of these girls kill me. Look to my right. It's Annie. I walk over... Me: "Weren't you just over Misha's last week?" She starts talking to me. And then a million guys flock over. But like any guy of any value does, I refuse to compete for her attention and walk away. What does she do? She leaves the guys, right in the middle of them talking, and makes her way over to me... Annie: "I feel like you don't like me." Me: "Why's that?" Annie: "You were just being nice by coming over and talking to me. You don't like me."