[19:46:28] Hi, please is possible to register new items for use in circular saw? [20:02:56] yes, but not trivial [20:03:18] I suggest you add the node to More Blocks [20:03:33] it should be added as circular saw material automatically… [20:03:46] ehh there is no any api? [20:05:01] AFAIR there was some way by adding item in some table.. this was removed? [20:05:06] there's an API which is purely linked to More Blocks [20:05:08] so the only real way to do it is to add the node to More Blocks [20:05:15] yes, for code shortness [20:05:21] see stairsplus/registrations.lua [20:05:37] and circular_saw.lua [20:06:26] ok... i will try..:) thank you.