Her: "Yeah. I just got out of the academy blank years ago and I was transferred here." Me: "Oh really? Do you like it?" Her: "Yeah (and she goes on about something I can't post)." Me: "That's cool. I'd invite you out, but I don't want your crazy boyfriend getting jealous." Her: "I don't have a boyfriend." That was an invitation for me to continue, in case you didn't notice. She could have easily said she had a boyfriend and ended the interaction... Me: "What bars do you normally hang out at anyway?" Her: "None around here. I live in (edited out)." Me: "I bet you go to (edited out)! That's like the only bar out there." She laughs... Her: "I'm moving out here in a month, though." Again, her giving me an invitation to continue... Me: "Look, I gotta let you get back to work. I know you can't give out your number in front of these people. It makes you look bad, but I'll tell you what, I'll give you my number." I lean back, she smiles... Her: "Okay. I'm cool with that." I pull out one of my business cards. Hmm, just realized that this one doesn't have my number on it. I look at her shirt. Pull out her pen. Write down my number. Slip her my card, and put her pen back in her pocket. Me: "Give me a call when you get settled down out here." Her: "I will." I turn around and look at the student. Game. Recognize it. Getting close to Freckle's building... Freckles: "Park here, next to the meter."