This might sound retarded, but would perfecting the art of psychopathy be ideal in gaming chicks since thats basically what being an ass is all about...? Shouldn't this come first BEFORE learning tips and game and everything- just learning how to basically not give a fuck about anyone else regardless of them being male or female or whatever, and then sprinkling game and good clothes on top, or is that just off? I ask this bc i see NERDS online try to learn game, but they SUCK ASS, and dont follow their set rules (you talk about this, and thanks btw). Its like trying to teach a turtle how to be a firefighter, and expecting it to be successful just because u give it a shiny red helmet..... It seems you have to internalize certain ways of thinking (playsupreme talks about being a "real man" and u do too), and then add all this blog/game stuff afterwards, and overhauling your personality takes more than just Ebooks, but (for me) it took EXTREME amounts of failure + ability to accept it and learn = THESE BITCHES AINT SHIT, the attitude that keeps me from gettin one itis, and freezin up around the ladies.... (and i still got a looong ass way to go). I dunno because you also said that perfect 10 sexy women pickup CANNOT be taught, and it just seems like if one can master being "evil" in the right kind of attractive way in ANY situation, then the rest, in terms of women, is basically cake..... im not sure if this is unethical, but it just seems that most of the good pua types, have sociopathic tendencies that they have perfected, which in tern gets them respect, which equals attraction from women, etc (urself included, no offense dude, I dont know you in rl, but im just goin by what you type). ALSO, im sure that even when you do ur non asshole ie DIRECT game that you still prob have certain tendencies because you say that rules are important and never to comprimise them- and it seems being at least 60% asshole at all times is prob one of your rules (but the way you manifest it changes for some scenarios i guess) Sociopath is such a strong word. What I will say, is that a guy needs to be in this for himself. As long as guys are trying to please women, then they won't be getting, and keeping, the types of women that they desire. Yesterday, my girl started talking about something that I didn't wanna hear and was making up some kind of excuse as to why she couldn't do what I wanted her to do, so what did I do? I simply just hung up on her while she was in mid-sentence. What did she do? Text me a million times, eventually agreeing to do what I wanted her to do. Selfish of me? Yes. But not only did I get what I wanted, but there is no doubt in my mind that it is those selfish assholish behaviors of mine that keeps her around and in-line.