by a Taken In Hand reader on 2004 Oct 20 - 16:36 | reply to this comment "Maybe the point is this: if Maybe the point is this: if a dominant man can keep a woman feeling loved and deeply fulfilled in her submission to him, then it will seem to both of them that she really has no choice but to submit to his dominance. But if he does become abusive or neglectful, then I imagine she'll discover that she can regain her power of choice with astonishing rapidity. ;-) The first is submission. The second, that is subjugation. In submission a woman obeys, for she knows, both, the reasons behind her man's command, and too, that in her submission, she is enriched. For a woman in such a relationship. A discipline spanking for transgression of what her man has commanded of her, is not the true punishment. That comes in the feeling of having failed him, herself, and their relationship. The spanking which follows serves as a means by which this pain may be released, and she be brought back fully to him. Aiden by Craig on 2004 Oct 21 - 00:34 | reply to this comment Manipulative I was so put off by this article that I could not even finish reading it. It is all about pretending to be dominant. Its advice reminded me of the book The Surrendered Wife which I found manipulative and disturbing in just the same way. The specific issues of opening car doors, dictating the woman's clothing choices, etc. were not relevant to me. (It is up to my husband to decide his involvement is such areas as he sees fit.) On the other hand, I was deeply disturbed by the phoniness and dishonesty that seemed to underly so much of the advice. In the part I read, I saw several admonitions to pretend to think or feel things in order to create the "correct" response from the woman. My husband definitely has the right to expect certain responses from me, but he does not pretend or lie in order to elicit them.