"Wow, you've come a long way, you're determined." Her response after I told her my story about how I was a shy guy who couldn't even look someone in the eye and say "hi" two years ago. I didn't start talking about myself unprovoked. I simply offered her the opportunity to ask about me by saying the above (me being extremely shy two years ago). She asked me how I changed so much in two years, and I gave her my story. I didn't flat out say I was determined, because that would be bragging, which turns women off. I displayed it through my use of story telling. Like I siad, this isn't much, but it may be able to help some of you. Random advice for anyone willing to read it. I have some material/advice taken straight from a females mouth that I'm too lazy to post right now, but I'll put it up later. For now, here you go. Looks When I recreated my look, I asked myself "What can I do to make myself to stand out without looking ridiculous?" You need to do the same. Go to a club that you frequent, look around, and see what you can do to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Do most of the guys around you have that spiked up gelled hair? Try trimming your hair really low instead. Does every guy have his face shaved or have a goatee? Try growing uniquely shaped facial hair (assuming you don't have an office job). Does every guy around you have the same hemp or silver or gold necklaces? Try wearing a silver necklace with a gold charm, or vice versa. Sure, they may sound like small things, but all of the little things add up to create a unique look that you can call your own.