So, here we were doing exactly the opposite of what would be normal gender roles. My wife was often coming home late from work as she worked extra hard to prove her capabilities at work, and unloading her stress on me; demanding supper and complaining about the housework that didn't get done even though I was home all day! I could not stand this kind of abuse. I reminded her of how grateful she had been to me that I was making the sacrifices for her career! I was having a difficult time looking after the home-front, but I was surprised and dismayed about how unhappy my wife seemed with all of her success. If we went the route of traditional marriage counselling, we would have just delayed the trip to divorce court! We both realized that at a very primal level we were out of necessity in the wrong roles. We came up with a very simple way to return some sanity to our homelife. In short, although my wife was the boss out there in the working world, she would have to be my subordinate at home! I would have to be the master of the house, whether or not I was the breadwinner! Surprisingly, my wife was glad to surrender control and authourity when she came home. It wasn't always easy, but I was not going to stand for being disrespected in front of our young children at home. When all the kids were old enough to go to school, I was able to go back to work, but since her income will always be the primary income for our family, I will continue to have to put my home responsibilities first until the children are grown. I think sites like this one are going to become increasingly important as more and more men have to try to find a way to still be a man, and not resentful of their wives success. In this matter, the feminist movement and behaviourist-based psychology is of no value! Our basic biology isn't going change for a changing society. We'll all have to adapt to the changes. The first thing that will have to go, is the feminist movement's insistence of denigrating male characteristics like aggression. Traditional societies have always celebrated male aggression and try to train their young men to protect their women. The feminists hate the concept of a woman submitting herself to a man. But, putting all this stress on equality doesn't allow men to channel that aggression to protect and care for their women and children.