# This file is read by default from: # ../minetest.conf # ../../minetest.conf # Any other path can be chosen by passing the path as a parameter # to the program, eg. "minetest.exe --config ../minetest.conf.example" # # By default, all the settings are commented and not functional. # Uncomment settings by removing the preceding #. # # Further documentation: # http://wiki.minetest.net/ # # NOTE: This file might not be up-to-date, refer to the # defaultsettings.cpp file for an up-to-date list: # https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/defaultsettings.cpp # # A vim command to convert most of defaultsettings.cpp to conf file format: # :'<,'>s/\tsettings->setDefault("\([^"]*\)", "\([^"]*\)");.*/#\1 = \2/g # Note: Some of the settings are implemented in Lua # # Client and server # # Network port (UDP) port = 31000 # Name of player; on a server this is the main admin name = Ritchie # # Server stuff # # Name of server server_name = czech-private :: The Kingdom of Bohemia # Description of server server_description = czech private server # Domain name of server #server_address = game.minetest.net # Homepage of server server_url = http://minetest.wjake.com # Automaticaly report to masterserver server_announce = 0 # Announce to this masterserver. if you want to announce your ipv6 address - use serverlist_url = v6.servers.minetest.net #serverlist_url = servers.minetest.net # Default game (default when creating a new world) default_game = classic_technic # World directory (everything in the world is stored here) map-dir = /opt/minetest/world/classic_technic_game/ # Message of the Day motd = Vitejte na Ritchieho serveru. # Maximum number of players connected simultaneously max_users = 10 # Set to true to disallow old clients from connecting #strict_protocol_version_checking = false # Set to true to enable creative mode (unlimited inventory) creative_mode = false # Enable players getting damage and dying enable_damage = true # Despawn all non-peaceful mobs #only_peaceful_mobs = false # A chosen map seed for a new map, leave empty for random #fixed_map_seed = # Gives some stuff to players at the beginning give_initial_stuff = false # New users need to input this password #default_password = # Available privileges: interact, shout, teleport, settime, privs, ... # See /privs in game for a full list on your server and mod configuration. default_privs = fast, shout # Whether players are shown to clients without any range limit unlimited_player_transfer_distance = false # Whether to enable players killing each other enable_pvp = true # If this is set, players will always (re)spawn at the given position static_spawnpoint = 0, 15, 0 # If true, new players cannot join with an empty password #disallow_empty_password = false # If true, disable cheat prevention in multiplayer #disable_anticheat = false # If true, actions are recorded for rollback enable_rollback_recording = true # Profiler data print interval. #0 = disable. #profiler_print_interval = 0 #enable_mapgen_debug_info = false # from how far client knows about objects #active_object_send_range_blocks = 3 # how large area of blocks are subject to the active block stuff (active = objects are loaded and ABMs run) #active_block_range = 2 # how many blocks are flying in the wire simultaneously per client #max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client = 2 # how many blocks are flying in the wire simultaneously per server #max_simultaneous_block_sends_server_total = 8 # From how far blocks are sent to clients (value * 16 nodes) #max_block_send_distance = 10 # From how far blocks are generated for clients (value * 16 nodes) #max_block_generate_distance = 6 # Number of extra blocks that can be loaded by /clearobjects at once # This is a trade-off between sqlite transaction overhead and # memory consumption (4096=100MB, as a rule of thumb) #max_clearobjects_extra_loaded_blocks = 4096 # Interval of sending time of day to clients time_send_interval = 5 # Length of day/night cycle. 72=20min, 360=4min, 1=24hour, 0=day/night/whatever stays unchanged time_speed = 24 # Length of year in days for seasons change. With default time_speed 365 days = 5 real days for year. 30 days = 10 real hours year_days = 30 #server_unload_unused_data_timeout = 29 # Maximum number of statically stored objects in a block #max_objects_per_block = 49 # Interval of saving important changes in the world server_map_save_interval = 5.3 # http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_synchronous only numeric values: 0 1 2 #sqlite_synchronous = 2 # To reduce lag, block transfers are slowed down when a player is building something. # This determines how long they are slowed down after placing or removing a node. full_block_send_enable_min_time_from_building = 2.0 # Length of a server tick and the interval at which objects are generally updated over network dedicated_server_step = 0.1 # Can be set to true to disable shutting down on invalid world data #ignore_world_load_errors = false # Congestion control parameters # time in seconds, rate in ~500B packets #congestion_control_aim_rtt = 0.2 #congestion_control_max_rate = 400 #congestion_control_min_rate = 10 # Specifies URL from which client fetches media instead of using UDP # $filename should be accessible from $remote_media$filename via cURL # (obviously, remote_media should end with a slash) # Files that are not present would be fetched the usual way #remote_media = # Level of logging to be written to debug.txt. # 0 = none, 1 = errors and debug, 2 = action, 3 = info, 4 = verbose debug_log_level = 1 # Maximum number of blocks that can be queued for loading. #emergequeue_limit_total = 256 # Maximum number of blocks to be queued that are to be loaded from file. # Leave blank for an appropriate amount to be chosen automatically. #emergequeue_limit_diskonly = # Maximum number of blocks to be queued that are to be generated. # Leave blank for an appropriate amount to be chosen automatically. #emergequeue_limit_generate = # Number of emerge threads to use. Make this field blank, or increase this number, to use multiple threads. # On multiprocessor systems, this will improve mapgen speed greatly, at the cost of slightly buggy caves. #num_emerge_threads = 1 # # Physics stuff # movement_acceleration_default = 3 movement_acceleration_air = 2 movement_acceleration_fast = 10 movement_speed_walk = 4 movement_speed_crouch = 1.35 movement_speed_fast = 7 movement_speed_climb = 2 movement_speed_jump = 6.5 movement_speed_descend = 6 movement_liquid_fluidity = 1 movement_liquid_fluidity_smooth = 0.5 movement_liquid_sink = 10 movement_gravity = 9.81 # # Mapgen stuff # # Name of map generator to be used. Currently supported: v6, indev, singlenode, math mg_name = indev # Water level of map. water_level = 1 # Size of chunks to be generated. chunksize = 5 # Map generation attributes. Currently supported: trees, caves, flat, v6_biome_blend, v6_jungles, dungeons, nolight mg_flags = trees, caves, v6_biome_blend, dungeons # How large deserts and beaches are #mgv6_freq_desert = 0.45 #mgv6_freq_beach = 0.15 # Perlin noise attributes for different map generation parameters # Offset, scale, spread factor, seed offset, number of octaves, persistence #mgv6_np_terrain_base = -4, 20, (250, 250, 250), 82341, 5, 0.6 #mgv6_np_terrain_higher = 20, 16, (500, 500, 500), 85039, 5, 0.6 #mgv6_np_steepness = 0.85, 0.5, (125, 125, 125), -932, 5, 0.7 #mgv6_np_height_select = 0.5, 1, (250, 250, 250), 4213, 5, 0.69 #mgv6_np_mud = 4, 2, (200, 200, 200), 91013, 3, 0.55 #mgv6_np_beach = 0, 1, (250, 250, 250), 59420, 3, 0.50 #mgv6_np_biome = 0, 1, (250, 250, 250), 9130, 3, 0.50 #mgv6_np_cave = 6, 6, (250, 250, 250), 34329, 3, 0.50 #mgv6_np_humidity = 0.5, 0.5, (500, 500, 500), 72384, 4, 0.66 #mgv6_np_trees = 0, 1, (125, 125, 125), 2, 4, 0.66 #mgv6_np_apple_trees = 0, 1, (100, 100, 100), 342902, 3, 0.45 #mgv7_np_terrain = 10, 12, (350, 350, 350), 82341, 5, 0.6 #mgv7_np_bgroup = 0.5, 0.3125, (350, 350, 350), 5923, 2, 0.6 #mgv7_np_heat = 25, 50, (500, 500, 500), 35293, 1, 0 #mgv7_np_humidity = 50, 31.25, (750, 750, 750), 12094, 2, 0.6 # Offset, scale, spread factor, seed offset, number of octaves, persistence, farscale, farspread #mgindev_np_terrain_base = -4, 20, (250, 250, 250), 82341, 5, 0.6, 10, 10 #mgindev_np_terrain_higher = 20, 16, (500, 500, 500), 85039, 5, 0.6, 10, 10 #mgindev_np_steepness = 0.85, 0.5, (125, 125, 125), -932, 5, 0.7, 2, 10 #mgindev_np_mud = 4, 2, (200, 200, 200), 91013, 3, 0.55, 1, 1 #mgindev_np_float_islands1 = 0, 1, (64, 64, 64 ), 3683, 5, 0.5, 1, 1.5 #mgindev_np_float_islands2 = 0, 1, (8, 8, 8 ), 9292, 2, 0.5, 1, 1.5 #mgindev_np_float_islands3 = 0, 1, (256, 256, 256), 6412, 2, 0.5, 1, 0.5 #mgindev_np_biome = 0, 1, (250, 250, 250), 9130, 3, 0.50, 1, 10 # Float islands starts from height, 0 to disable #mgindev_float_islands = 500 # Math mapgen generator: sphere, mandelbox, mengersponge dont forget to lower water_level = -30000 #mgmath_generator = mandelbox # Enable/disable IPv6 enable_ipv6 = false # Enable/disable running an IPv6 server. An IPv6 server may be restricted # to IPv6 clients, depending on system configuration. ipv6_server = false #main_menu_game_mgr = 0 #main_menu_mod_mgr = 1 #modstore_download_url = https://forum.minetest.net/media/ #modstore_listmods_url = https://forum.minetest.net/mmdb/mods/ #modstore_details_url = https://forum.minetest.net/mmdb/mod/*/ #vypnutí cedulek z homedecoru protože text na nich je jako entita a ty bugují homedecor.disable_signs = true #chatlog z modu chatmod chatmod.chatlog_enabled = true #cesta k souboru chatlog chatmod.chatlog_path = /opt/minetest-data/chatlog/