- (08:34:43) <Tempesta> Horny shell? What kind of horny?
- (08:35:03) <Bitttymacod> made of horn...
- (08:35:16) <Taliya> you dont really want to know believe me
- (08:35:17) <Tempesta> oh..
- (08:35:48) <Macdogles> Its really horny...
- (08:36:04) <Tempesta> Mm, the kind girls like hehe
- (08:36:26) <Tempesta> or the club like ones for men?
- (08:36:38) <Macdogles> no, its a shell, and horny.. welcome to Ryzom
- (08:37:01) <Tempesta> (puts the horny shell on a leash)
- (08:37:11) <Bitttymacod> lol.
- (08:37:38) <Taliya> oh it is horny not horny
- (08:38:06) <Macdogles> yep, listen to Taliya
- (08:38:18) <Tempesta> ah so it's horny then?
- (08:38:29) <Macdogles> no !! Its horny
- (08:39:27) <Taliya> i always thought that it is horny but now i know it is just horny... well
- (08:39:38) <Tempesta> itching head, uhm so it's horny?
- (08:40:24) <Macdogles> yeah.. read above...
- (08:40:35) <Macdogles> Well saied Taliya
- (08:41:18) <Tempesta> Maduk? i know of no such creatures, is it eadible?
- (08:41:42) <Macdogles> no, but you are for Maduk
- (08:41:42) <Bitttymacod> ***
- (08:42:17) <Bitttymacod> Good night all you horny shells.
- (08:42:24) <Macdogles> gn
- (08:42:34) <Tempesta> Night horny shell master
ryzom uni
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