Handle with care... american men

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  14. Years later, another beloved man at the church died. A friend of my husband's there made one of the same smartass remarks to my husband and guess what? He found it really hurtful. And suddenly he realized why I had been so angry with him years earlier. He saw that though he didn't mean it, his remarks had been very painful to me, and he came to me and told me he understood now. He also realized that he must have been somewhat jealous of this man (though there was never anything wrong between us) even though at the time he'd denied it and said how can you be jealous of a dead man?
  16. So, Autumn, before you pass judgment on your friends' behavior, realize that it's very possible that there is some underlying thing that is unresolved in this couple's marriage, and she may be lacing into him out of frustration over it, not because she is simply a nag who wants to pick on him.
  18. Also, when I hear about all the hard work that has to go into a relationship, I feel tired. Relationships should be a place where I can relax. I honestly don't know what all this hard work is about. Maybe we had some work to do to repair the damage done in that one bad year, but it's not a problem any more and we don't have to "work" at our marriage. Thank goodness.
  20. "Pat"
  22. by a Taken In Hand reader on 2006 Mar 12 - 15:03 | reply to this comment
  23. Knee Jerkers
  24. So true Pat, I agree more understanding could have been shown. Also, I found this entire series of posts in “I Blame the knee-jerkers” to be a little insensitive to women. I have never found a man that cared that much to let me vent problems to them, except my husband, leaving me only my women friends to talk to. (I’m not bashing men, IMHO they just don’t want to talk the same way women do) Maybe I don’t always agree or understand exactly what my friend is going through, but it’s not a good idea to knee jerk judge when someone else complains. It's hard to ever really know the whole story.
  26. Most of us need to vent now and then, and at times, tendencies flow too much to complaining and then usually they flow back out of it again. Isn’t that friendship? Can’t we be totally committed to a taken in hand relationship and not be mad at women at the same time? It feels like some women on this site don’t like women, the comments felt mean spirited to me.

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