- https://sti.ut.ac.ir/gitea/okcupid/AssholeryAndWomen/issues/1
- https://sti.ut.ac.ir/gitea/okcupid/AssholeryAndWomen/issues/2
- http://okcupid.eblog.hu/how-to-be-the-best-at-matrue-dating-53920
- http://okcupid.eblog.hu/appearances-are-everything-53921
- http://okcupid.eblog.hu/mystery-is-wrong-about-negging-53922
- http://intranet.immobilierela.be/web/okcupid/home/-/blogs/perfect-ten-mature-dating-game
- https://mahara.ph-noe.ac.at/view/view.php?t=L21b4gIWY9Mkqczj6h5E
- http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eiio68gr273b1b7e&llr
- http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eiio7is489e211f7&llr=jsqgrhdbb
- http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eiio8nr00b3ede98&llr
- https://www.breaker.audio/the-real-cassanova/e/93607600
- https://www.breaker.audio/the-real-cassanova/e/93607610
- https://www.breaker.audio/the-real-cassanova/e/93607854
- http://duongxa.gialam.hanoi.gov.vn/web/okcupid
- https://www.honorarkonsulat.at/web/okcupid/home/-/blogs/she-s-just-not-into-you
- https://www.honorarkonsulat.at/web/okcupid/home/-/blogs/the-problem-s-with-brown-men
- https://www.honorarkonsulat.at/web/okcupid/home/-/blogs/date-chubby-women-with-pretty-faces
- http://www.luminos.eu/web/okcupid/home/-/blogs/dealing-with-women-and-friends
- http://www.luminos.eu/web/okcupid/home/-/blogs/subtle-ways-to-convey-higher-value
- http://www.luminos.eu/web/okcupid/home/-/blogs/asshole-game-versus-direct-game
- That's interesting. But would you say from your experiences/observations that a black man with game can get more results than a white guy with game or is it just about equal?
- I'm a black guy and what you said makes a lot of sense. I consider myself good looking and I'm educated but am only now developing my confidence. And while I'm nowhere near where I want to be I feel like things are opening up and improving for me rapidly, despite not running a ton of routines or using gambits but just by being confident and funny.
- October 7, 2009 5:18:00 PM EST
- Mr.M said...
- Ah, I see. Do guys (people?) really use the race card as an excuse as to why they didn't get someone?
- In any case, I just dislike a lot of racial sentiment because each race has its own pro/con stereotypes. (Asians: Smart but small, Blacks: Confident but thugs, Whites: Majority but pussies, etc). It really just boils down to the how the guy handles himself.
- And I agree, confidence is the most important quality to have wrt game.
- October 7, 2009 7:02:00 PM EST
- Anonymous said...
- Looking at the stats, Indian men seem to be doing the worst. Do you know the reason why?
- October 7, 2009 11:12:00 PM EST
- Assanova said...
- W- thx, Ill check out the blog.
- Anonymous- All things being equal, the black guy will have the advantage since he is rarer and more exotic. This is assuming that the guys are equally educated, confident, good-looking, and she doesn't care about the social pressure her friends & family might put on her not to date a black guy.
- Mr. M- guys play it all the time. you'll have white guys saying that girls only like a certain guy because he's black. It happens all of the time with me.
- On the other side, you'll see black guys trying to blame their lack of women on their own skin color instead of on their own lack of game.
- That being said, assuming you're in a city, you will always be able to find women that are attracted to whatever skin color you happen to be.
- October 8, 2009 2:27:00 PM EST