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Minetest mapper v C++

Původní mapper

Pitrissův fork, aplikován patch upravující volné místo okolo mapy a oprava černého zbarvení neznámých nodů.

Na IBM je použit Vanessin soubor colors.txt.

Když se upraví soubor colors.txt, mapper se musí překompilovat příkazem make, protože colors.txt se nenačítá průběžně ale zakompiluje se do programu.

[23:44] <Ritchie> i have almost all node colors from list of unknown nodes in my colors.txt but mapper still doesn't apply them to map image and wrotes them as unknown nodes to console
[23:45] <VanessaE> first thing to check for is incomplete entries
[23:45] <VanessaE> like if you wrote a name in there without the color spec
[23:45] <VanessaE> everything from there down will be broken
[23:46] <VanessaE> though yours looks okay
[23:46] <VanessaE> word has it you have to recompile the mapper also
[23:46] <VanessaE> if you change colors.txt
[23:46] <VanessaE> because it allegedly compiles it into the prog
[23:47] <VanessaE> so try that next
[23:54] <Ritchie> oh thank you, it works :)

Další užitečné informace:

[23:56] <VanessaE> two important notes about that mapper:
[23:57] <VanessaE> it produces broken images if the server is running and world is active.  shut the server down first.
[23:57] <VanessaE> 2, if it can't write the output image for any reason at all - anything from permissions errors to wrongly specified path to whatever else - it will segfault and leave you scratching your head wtf went wrong :)



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