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Minetest mapper v C++

Původní mapper

Pitrissův fork, aplikován patch upravující volné místo okolo mapy a oprava černého zbarvení neznámých nodů.

Na IBM je použit Vanessin soubor colors.txt.

Když se upraví soubor colors.txt, mapper se musí překompilovat příkazem make, protože colors.txt se nenačítá průběžně ale zakompiluje se do programu.

[23:44] <Ritchie> i have almost all node colors from list of unknown nodes in my colors.txt but mapper still doesn't apply them to map image and wrotes them as unknown nodes to console
[23:45] <VanessaE> first thing to check for is incomplete entries
[23:45] <VanessaE> like if you wrote a name in there without the color spec
[23:45] <VanessaE> everything from there down will be broken
[23:46] <VanessaE> though yours looks okay
[23:46] <VanessaE> word has it you have to recompile the mapper also
[23:46] <VanessaE> if you change colors.txt
[23:46] <VanessaE> because it allegedly compiles it into the prog
[23:47] <VanessaE> so try that next
[23:54] <Ritchie> oh thank you, it works :)


[23:56] <VanessaE> two important notes about that mapper:
[23:57] <VanessaE> it produces broken images if the server is running and world is active.  shut the server down first.
[23:57] <VanessaE> 2, if it can't write the output image for any reason at all - anything from permissions errors to wrongly specified path to whatever else - it will segfault and leave you scratching your head wtf went wrong :)

Užitečné informace

[00:00] <VanessaE> what I do is, nightly on a drond job, I shut my servers down, take a backup, and restart my servers.  then I generate the overview maps using the backup copies of the data.
[00:00] <VanessaE> that way the servers are only down for a few minutes a day.
[00:01] <VanessaE> after the world gets really big ( > 1 GB ) the mapper can take a looooooong time to run, so better to do it that way
[00:01] <VanessaE> else your servers are down for potentially a few hours
[00:04] <Ritchie> at this moment i do map image from original world file after it is tarballed to backup.tar.gz (world ~ 900 MB → tarball ~ 200 MB) but i have in mind that i should rewrite my startup script to use temporary folder to do a map image
[00:04] <VanessaE> right
[00:05] <Ritchie> doing a backups to tarballs saves a lot of disk space
[00:05] <VanessaE> yup
[00:05] <VanessaE> it's what I do
[00:06] <VanessaE> shut down -> rsync -> startup -> tarball.bz2 -> mapper -> delete temp files
[00:07] <VanessaE> it's a trade-off between downtime and lag but this seems to work out well since it's done at the quietest time of day
[00:07] <VanessaE> (lag because the tar and mapper steps cause lots of background disk activity)

minetest-mapper neznámé bloky (vanessin colors.txt):

bones:bones							217 217 217
bushes:blackberry_bush						  0   0  69
bushes:blueberry_bush						 74   0 174
bushes:fruitless_bush						 76  95  24
bushes:gooseberry_bush						183 146 117
bushes:raspberry_bush						228   0  97
candles:candle_lit						255 236 108
candles:hive							237 216  37
candles:hive_empty						203 179  43
candles:hive_wild						224 200  39
default:sandstone_technic_cnc_pyramid				193 174 135
default:sandstone_technic_cnc_slope				193 174 135
default:sandstone_technic_cnc_slope_edge			193 174 135
fake_fire:fake_fire						255 200   0
ferns:fern_01							 86 119  42
ferns:fern_02							 94 132  57
ferns:fern_03							109 147  61
ferns:fern_trunk						 69  58  50
ferns:fern_trunk_big						 92  83  68
ferns:fern_trunk_big_top					136 121  89
ferns:horsetail_01						 94 125  39
ferns:horsetail_02						 94 125  39
ferns:horsetail_03						 94 125  39
ferns:horsetail_04						 94 125  39
ferns:tree_fern_leave_big					122 152  58
ferns:tree_fern_leave_big_end					140 169  67
ferns:tree_fern_leaves						103 138  58
ferns:tree_fern_leaves_02					120 157  63
ferns:tree_fern_leaves_giant					 94 138  45
flowers:seaweed_2						 66 106  34
flowers:seaweed_3						 78 124  40
flowers:seaweed_4						 85 135  43
flowers:waterlily_s1						 78 116   0
flowers:waterlily_s2						 78 116   0
flowers:waterlily_s3						 78 116   0
flowers:waterlily_s4						 78 116   0
moonflower:moonflower_closed					 42  62  95
moonflower:moonflower_open					183 183 183
moreblocks:slab_sandstone_2					193 174 135
moretrees:slab_spruce_planks_1					 93  61	 19
homedecor:glass_table_large_s					243 243 243
homedecor:skylight_frosted					241 240 239
Unknown nodes:



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